Shrubs are woody plants that gradually build up a framework of branches over the years. They can be deciduous or evergreen and include large plants such as Buddleia reaching 5 metres as well as diminutive shrubs such as Cistus and Lavender growing to a mere 50 cm. Most shrubs prefer sun or part-shade and reasonable drainage. However the RHS produces lists of shrubs for all sorts if sites whether they be waterlogged, arid, rabbit infested or shady.
We carry a range of roses in our shrub section selected for their good habit and disease resistance. Most will repeat flower blooming once in June and then a second main flush in August/September, however many will flower sporadically through the year if conditions suit.
Maintenance of shrubs varies wildly as some need frequent shearing to create compact plants such as Cistus or Lavender, whilst others such as Philadelphus and Forsythia need “renewal” pruning whereby older senile shoots are cut down to the ground to encourage fresh growth from the base. Some such as Cornus alba are best cut to the ground every year or two to create dense thickets of brightly coloured shoots. Other shrubs need no pruning at all if they are carefully positioned so as to not outgrow their space.
Click here to view our range of shrubs without prices. Trade customers can log in to view the full list with prices.